In the second paper, he states that he had discovered a tradition of recreational use of the Amanita muscaria use among the Parachi-speaking people of the Shutul Valley.
As a percussionist, he has collaborated with a variety of free jazz musicians such as Sun Ra, John Tchicai, Sainkho Namtchylak.
He wrote and produced radio dramas in cooperation with the authors Clarence Barlow and Hartmut Geerken, and worked three years as a music director with Claudia Lichtblau.
Hartmut Esslinger | Hartmut Mehdorn | Hartmut Neven | Hartmut Lutz | Hartmut Kallmann | Hartmut Heinrich | Hartmut Haenchen | Hartmut Geerken | Hartmut Erbse |