
unusual facts about Hasid


Dovid Bornsztain

Two years later, Bornsztain married Esther Weingut, the daughter of Rabbi Mottel Weingut, a Ger Hasid from Wola Zadybska.

Kalonymos family

The following table, compiled from the accounts of Eleazar of Worms and Solomon Luria, gives the Italian and German heads of the family, which produced for nearly five centuries the most notable scholars of Germany and northern France, such as Samuel he-Hasid and his son Judah he-Hasid.

Nosson Zand

After further gigs and performance with Matisyahu, in 2007 he went to Hollywood to play the lead role in Song of David a movie about a young Hasid who is studying to become a rabbi in a Los Angeles yeshiva.

The Yiddish King Lear

The husbands of the daughters among whom David Moishele divides his "kingdom" are, respectively a Hasid, an Orthodox Jewish businessman, and an apikoyres (a secular Jew: the word derives from Epicurean).

see also