
5 unusual facts about Hauteville


The first Lords of Candiae or Chandieu were the barons of Candia descendents of Robert Guiscard d'Hauteville founders of the dynastic House of Candia vassals of the counts of Forez.


It is famous as the original stronghold of the Hauteville family who made their fortunes in southern Italy and Sicily as the Norman kings of Sicily, beginning with the modest Norman seigneur Tancred of Hauteville, who is commemorated by a simple exhibit housed in the former presbytère.

The Hauteville family is said to descend from Hiallt, a Norseman who is said to have settled in the Cotentin and founded the village of Hialtus Villa (Hauteville) in 920, the later family's toponym coming from this town.


In the Middle Ages the story of Miglionico was strongly connected to that of its large castle, which was held by the Hauteville Normans and then by the Sanseverino.

Serlo I of Hauteville

Around 1041, his father died and he inherited the small fief of Hauteville in the Cotentin and the sirery of Pirou through his wife.

Battle of Olivento

The battle had its origin in the decision of Arduin the Lombard, a Greek-speaking Lombard who had fought for the Byzantines, to change sides and form a coalition with the Normans Rainulf Drengot and the Hauteville brothers (William Iron Arm, Drogo, Humphrey), and the Lombards Atenulf of Benevento and Argyrus of Bari.

Church of St Andrew, Chew Magna

In the church are several memorials to the Stracheys of Sutton Court together with a wooden effigy of a Knight cross-legged and leaning on one elbow, in 15th century armour, thought to be of Sir John de Hauteville or a descendant, and possibly transferred from a church at Norton Hautville before it was demolished.

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