
unusual facts about Head Girl

Joan Malleson

She was educated at Bedales School, where she became Head Girl, and studied medicine at University College, London from 1918, later moving to Charing Cross Hospital due to the hostility to female students she experienced at UCL.

Lynda Chalker, Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

She was educated at Roedean (where she was head girl), Heidelberg University, Queen Mary, University of London and the Polytechnic of Central London, and worked as a statistician and market research manager, including a spell with Shell-Mex and BP, before entering Parliament as MP for Wallasey, Merseyside, succeeding the former Cabinet minister Ernest Marples.

Osborne Ladies' College

Junior girls of the school were known as "Middies" from the term Midshipman, with prefects being addressed as Lieutenants, and the head girl being addressed as Lieutenant Commander.

see also

Sophie McKay

In 2009 she became head girl of Ferndale High and after briefly dating bully - Orlando (Chris Maclennan-Jones), Sophie started to date Daniel Potts (Ido Drent).