
unusual facts about Head race

Boston Rowing Marathon

The Boston Rowing Marathon is a Head race taking place on the third Sunday of September annually in Lincolnshire, England, over the exceptionally long distance of 31 miles (49.88 km).

see also

Bhagirathi River

Abbreviations: MW: electrical output capacity(Megawatts), Ht: dam height(M) FRL: full reservoir level (MSL), MWL:maximum water level(MSL), HRT: head race tunnel length(KM), TRT: tail race tunnel length(KM), TWL: tail water level(MSL), RBL: river bed level at dam site(MSL)

Mike Sodrel

A poll published by the left-leaning weblog Firedoglake shows Sodrel leading Hill 49-41 in a head to head race.

Sons of the Thames

Sons of the Thames, along with Auriol Kensington Rowing Club and Furnivall Sculling Club organise a yearly head race, the winners of which receive the Dewar Challenge Shield.