
unusual facts about Hearing

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers

Dr. Marvin's observations find that the alien's suits are made of solidified electricity, and grant the aliens advanced auditory perception, allowing them to hear things from far away as though they were up close.

Abbie Boudreau

On October 6, 2008, she attempted to get Richard S. Fuld, Jr., CEO of Lehman Brothers, to answer questions about his $22 million in bonuses alone for 2007, on his way to testify in front of a committee hearing on Capitol Hill.

Alex Shapiro

Shapiro testified in September 2009 on a Federal Communications Commission panel hearing in Washington, D.C., about broadband access and digital rights issues.

Allen Upward

Ezra Pound would a decade later satirically remark that this was due to his disappointment after hearing of George Bernard Shaw's Nobel Prize award which Shaw won in 1925.

Alvarez and Marsal

Brian Marsal was reportedly one of the first people contacted by Harvey R. Miller on hearing that Lehman Brothers was likely to need to file for Chapter 11 protection, receiving a call at 10:30 at night on September 14 while he was watching a football game.

Alvin Youngblood Hart

Born in Oakland, California, Hart had family connections with Carroll County, Mississippi, and spent time there in his childhood, hearing his relatives' stories of Charley Patton, "being around these people who were there when this music was going on".

Anders Lago

On 10 April 2008, Lago participated in a hearing before the Helsinki Commission, the independent U.S. government agency led by members of U.S. Congress, where he claimed that his small city of about 80,000 was now home to nearly 6,000 Iraqis; "more refugees than the United States and Canada together".

Baron Brimstone

During the Acts of Vengeance, Doctor Doom later uses his Aggression Enhancer to force Baron Brimstone, as well as Armadillo, Man-Ape, Orka, Stilt-Man, and Whirlwind, into attacking the Fantastic Four at their court hearing.

Blue Edwards

During the hearing at the British Columbia Court of Appeal, the Court invited Mrs. Edwards to apply to be admitted as a party and to request joint custody of Elijah with her husband.

Bude, Mississippi

At Schofield's confirmation hearing in 2005, Trent Lott, born in nearby Grenada, said:I am very proud of her background, being from Bude, Mississippi.

Deaf Side Story

Author Mark Rigney of Deaf Side Story Deaf Sharks, Hearing Jets and a Classic American Musical, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, portrays the progress of the production of the musical.

Derek Taylor

Taylor was also a catalyst in Harry Nilsson's musical career; hearing Nilsson's song "1941" on a car radio, he bought a case (twenty-five copies) of his album Pandemonium Shadow Show, sending copies to different industry people – including all four Beatles, who became enamored of his talent and invited Nilsson to London.

Eben Moglen

And: "Note how even the smallest encounter with Free Software can make a man cheerful about the future of our judge" (said after hearing a judge of the Allahabad high court, India speak on the subject).

Emperor Taizong's campaign against Eastern Tujue

By 627, Emperor Taizong, hearing this, was contemplating attacking the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, and he consulted the chancellor Xiao Yu and his brother-in-law Zhangsun Wuji.

Euphrasia of Constantinople

Hearing of her mother's death, the Emperor Theodosius I sent for Euphrasia, whom he had promised in marriage to a young senator.


A frequent mis-hearing for Giffgaff (a British mobile phone service), often in the recorded message "This is Giffgaff voicemail"

Golden Ears

Golden ear, a term for a person with an above-standard sense of hearing

Gumboro, Delaware

Gumboro is home to the Old Homestead, a home in the heart of town that is reportedly haunted, and the Cypress Swamp which many travelers have reported hearing voices emanating from.

Harry S. Truman Supreme Court candidates

On September 19, 1945, Truman nominated Burton, who was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on the same day by voice vote, without hearing or debate.

James Larkin Pearson

Pearson was scheduled to appear on the Johnny Carson Show, but upon learning that Pearson was hard of hearing, the show canceled, stating "we can't have Johnny yelling at an old man on the television."

James Peterkin Alexander

Alexander died in a barber's chair of a heart attack after hearing of his friend John Hugo Ross's death on the Titanic.

Japanese Sign Language

Hearing actress Rinko Kikuchi received a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her signing role in this film.

John P. Surma

As the vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of Pennsylvania State University, Surma informed longtime Penn State football coach Joe Paterno late at night, and over the telephone, that he had been terminated without a hearing amid the media firestorm in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal.

Joseph C. Carter

In 1978 he joined the Boston Police Department where his positions including patrol officer, detective, patrol supervisor, Deputy Superintendent, Superintendent, Chief of Staff of the department and Chief Administrative Hearing Officer, presiding over all departmental disciplinary trial boards.


As a subculture, however, it is not nearly as distinct as goth or punk to the untrained eye, where members can often distinguish each other by their mannerisms and fashion without hearing their choice of music.

Ko Melina

After hearing her cover Mary Wells'sBye Bye Baby” with the Breakdowns, Long Gone John of the record label Sympathy For The Record Industry asked her to contribute to his Sympathetic Sounds of Detroit compilation and so Ko & The Knockouts were formed with Steve Nawara and Jeff Klein.

Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia

During the Administrative Review Board hearing of Adel Hassan Hamad Zahid Al-Sheikh was alleged to have been one of the directors of Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia.

Lionel Tardy

On 30 June 2010, he is also illustrated in the hearing of Raymond Domenech by Parliament in return of the World Cup in South Africa.

Malik Muhammad Jayasi

His most famous work is Padmavat (1540), a poem describing the story of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khilji in AD 1303, who attacked Chittor after hearing of the beauty of Queen Rani Padmini, the wife of King Rawal Ratan Singh.

Manchester capitalism

Led by Richard Cobden and John Bright, it won a wide hearing for its argument that free trade would lead to a more equitable society, making essential products available to all.

Marcel Ciampi

He accepted Yaltah at age four, after hearing her play Robert Schumann’s Kinderszenen.

Markman hearing

Holding a Markman hearing in patent infringement cases has been common practice since the U.S. Supreme Court, in the 1996 case of Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc., found that the language of a patent is a matter of law for a judge to decide, not a matter of fact for a jury to decide.


Refsum disease, an autosomal recessive disorder that results from the accumulation of large stores of phytanic acid in tissues, frequently manifests peripheral polyneuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, anosmia, and hearing loss.

Primary Dealer Credit Facility

In a hearing of the United States House Committee on Financial Services on January 13, 2009, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fl) pressed Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn about releasing the details of exactly which firms have received funds from the Federal Reserve and specifically how much.

Richard O. Boyer

Richard Owen Boyer (January 10, 1903 – August 7, 1973) was an American freelance journalist who, before appearing at a Senate hearing, had contributed profiles to The New Yorker and written for the Daily Worker.

Robert Levinson

On January 13, 2009, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson revealed during Hillary Clinton's confirmation hearing that he believes Robert Levinson is being held in a secret prison in Iran.

Second Amendment Sisters

On March 18, 2008, SAS organized the rally in support of Dick Anthony Heller's right to keep an operable handgun for self-protection in his home subject of the United States Supreme Court hearing of DC v. Heller in Washington, DC.

Sidney A. Fitzwater

Fitzwater's nomination sparked controversy in part because of allegations raised at his confirmation hearing about alleged voter intimidation in African-American neighborhoods in south Dallas, Texas during the unsuccessful 1982 re-election campaign of Texas Gov. Bill Clements.

Stagga Lee

His stage name was adopted after hearing the classic 1959 No. 1 hit "Stagger Lee" by Lloyd Price.

Stephen Sedley

He was counsel in many high-profile cases and inquiries, from the death of Blair Peach and the Carl Bridgewater murder appeal to the Helen Smith inquest and the contempt hearing against Kenneth Baker, then Home Secretary.

Stun belt

It is also used during judicial hearings (e.g. in 1998, against Ronald Hawkins in Los Angeles, California for frequently interrupting Judge Joan Comparet-Cassani at a sentencing hearing).


Infrasound, sound at frequencies below the normal threshold of human hearing

SV40 Cancer Foundation

On September 10, 2003, the Horwins were successful in getting Congressman Dan Burton, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, U.S. Government Reform Committee to hold a hearing into SV40 contamination of vaccines.

The Little Guy

Hearing that Taylor was watching Sunday Night Football, Britten asks what in particular the commentators said at that time.

Theodore J. van den Broek

Hearing of the condition of the Native Americans in Michigan (now Wisconsin), he obtained permission from Archbishop John Baptist Purcell of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati to go to them, and arrived at Green Bay, Wisconsin, 4 July 1834.

Trabluslu Ali Pasha

After hearing about the overthrow of the governor Koca Hüsrev Mehmed Pasha in 1803, Ali Pasha asked to be made the governor of Egypt, even though it appeared as though the Albanian troops had taken control of the province from the Ottomans.

Tzadikim Nistarim

In the 2009 novel Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann, the narrator of the Book One mentions hearing of the myth of "thirty-six hidden saints" while in college and compares the actions of his Christian brother Corrigan to one of the saints.

Vacco v. Quill

To this effect the Court quoted a House Judiciary Committee hearing, stating that a physician performing an assisted suicide, "must, necessarily and indubitably, intend primarily that the patient be made dead."

William Cottrell

A letter in Cottrell’s defense, signed by Stephen Hawking and other prominent scientists, was distributed to prison authorities and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals at Cottrell’s October 18, 2006 hearing.


Mustaine has stated that the idea for the title stems from hearing about Jack Kevorkian, as well as the declining state of well-being of young people, specifically referring to issues like drugs, crime and violence, and a lack of parenting.

see also