
unusual facts about Hebbel


Judith (Hebbel) |

Andrea Eckert

Her roles have included the eponymous heroines in Hebbel's Judith, Schiller's Maria Stuart, Jelinek's Clara S., Sophocles's Elektra, Kleist's Penthesilea, and Maria Callas in Terrence McNally's Meisterklasse (Master Class).

Gary Watson

Gary Watson (13 June 1930 in Shropshire, England) is a retired British television actor who started out as a stage actor most notably acting in Friedrich Hebbel's 1962 play Judith at Her Majesty's Theatre in London, England with Sean Connery.


The two playable characters are Kelly O'Lenmey, who was born in Ballymun, Ireland, daughter of Dr. Hebbel and Saburouta Mishima, grandson of one of the Samurai rebels who aided the British in conquering Japan.

see also