He became prominent in 1932 when the Soviet Union awarded him first prize alongside two Soviet architects for his design for the Palace of the Soviets in the second round of a public design competition, only to cancel the award without explanation a few months later.
Instead of announcing a clear winner, in February 1932 the Council declared three leading drafts by Boris Iofan, Ivan Zholtovsky and a 28-year-old British architect living in New Jersey, Hector Hamilton.
Hamilton | Hamilton, Ontario | Hamilton, New Zealand | Hamilton Tiger-Cats | Hector Berlioz | Hector | Alexander Hamilton | Hamilton College | Hamilton College (New York) | Hamilton County, Ohio | Hamilton, Bermuda | Josh Hamilton | Booz Allen Hamilton | Hamilton, New York | Lewis Hamilton | Lee H. Hamilton | Hamilton County | Scott Hamilton | William Rowan Hamilton | Peter F. Hamilton | Linda Hamilton | George Hamilton | Andrew Hamilton | Hamilton Township | Green Township, Hamilton County, Ohio | Gavin Hamilton | Richard Hamilton | Laurell K. Hamilton | Laird Hamilton | Hector Elizondo |