
7 unusual facts about Hedeby


In the 10th century, the chronicler Æthelweard reports that the most important town in Angeln was Hedeby.


Wulfstan of Hedeby left an account of a voyage dated to about 880 AD as told to Alfred the Great and inserted into his translation of Orosius' Histories.

Wulfstan sailed from Hedeby (Haithabu), Jutland to Truso in seven days keeping Weonodland ("Wendland") on the right as far as the mouth of the Weissel (Vistula).


West of Fahrdorf lies the ancient Viking settlement of Hedeby.


During Viking times, Hollingstedt served as a transhipment port for a ten mile portage to Hedeby on the Schlei inlet of the Baltic, cutting short a long and perilous circumnavigation of the Jutland Peninsula.


A former name for Hedeby, a Viking Age trading center, originally the largest town in the Nordic countries


Their humorous to surreal song lyrics mostly deal either with 10th-century Viking Rollo (in an interpretation obviously strongly reminiscent of Dik Browne's Hägar the Horrible rather than the actual historical person) situated in Hedeby instead of Skandinavia in their songs, or life in the modern-day fictional Schleswig-Holstein rural village of Torfmoorholm (lit. "Peatbogville").


Hedeby |


The locality was the model for "Hedeby" in Sven Delblanc's books Åminne (1970), Stenfågel (1973), Vinteride (1974) and Stadsporten (1976).

see also