
unusual facts about Heermann's Gull


Heermann's Gull (Larus heermanni), a gull resident in the United States, Mexico and extreme southwestern British Columbia

Belcher's Gull

The name of this bird commemorates the British explorer Sir Edward Belcher.

Foxe Basin

The nutrient-rich cold waters found in the basin are known to be especially favorable to phytoplankton and the numerous islands within it are important bird habitats, including Sabine's Gulls and many types of shorebirds.

Hartlaub's Gull

About one half of the total population, currently estimated at about 30 000 birds, are within the Greater Cape Town area.

It breeds in large colonies, and the main traditional breeding colony for the Cape Town area is on Robben Island.


Lewis Heermann, (1779–1833), German, commissioned Surgeon's Mate in the United States Navy in 1802

Levenhall Links

Many rare visitors have been seen over the years including Wilson's Phalarope, Western Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper, Franklin's Gull and Citrine Wagtail.

Lewis Heermann

On 16 February 1804, during the War with the Barbary States, Lieutenant Stephen Decatur left Heermann in command of the bomb ketch Intrepid while he and a fearless band of American seamen boarded the captured frigate Philadelphia in Tripoli Harbor, swept her Barbary captors' crew overboard, and set the frigate ablaze.

Muskrat Lake

The municipal dock, located at the south end of the lake, is a regular meeting spot for bird watchers; who have caught sight of Franklin's Gull among other birds.

Saunders's Gull

The introduction of the strong-growing smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) has also had deleterious effects.

Thayer's Gull

Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri) is a large gull native to North America that breeds in the Arctic islands of Canada and winters primarily on the Pacific coast, from southern Alaska to the Gulf of California, though there are also wintering populations on the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi River.

Was willst du dich betrüben

Heermann lived in Köben, Silesia, when he wrote the hymn, an area which suffered under the war.

see also