Inspired by the 1930s MGM shorts, Barkies, children's television series such as Wishbone, and the family film Babe, writer/director Holly Goldberg Sloan (Angels in the Infield, and The Big Green) created the 4 Paws brand as a way to revitalize classic literature for a new generation.
Heidi Klum | Heidi | Heidi Montag | Killing Heidi | Heidi Fleiss | Heidi MacDonald | Heidi Blickenstaff | Heidi Mueller | Heidi Lee Morgan | Heidi, Girl of the Alps | Heidi Game | Heidi Ewing | Heidi Mohr | Heidi Larssen | Heidi Hautala | Heidi Grande Røys | Heidi Campbell | Heidi Burge | The Heidi Chronicles | Heidi Vosseler | Heidi Von Gunden | Heidi Van Horne | Heidi's Song | Heidi Roizen | Heidi Newfield | Heidi Miller | Heidi Mark | Heidi Heitkamp's | Heidi Hartmann | Heidi Cullen |
She was the screenwriter on Steve Irwin's feature film The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002) and the writer and director of the film Heidi 4 Paws (2008), which is a retelling of the children's film, but with dogs in all of the parts.