In her field she has no competitor and must be termed the "Heifetz" among cantors.
"Heifetz leerling van god" written by Wenneke Savenije, publisher: Edzeetera-Zandvoort (Dutch)
He was responsible for the first appearances of many rising musicians such as Christopher Parkening, Jeffrey Kahane, Nathaniel Rosen, Timothy Landauer and Daniel Heifetz, and sponsored the Romero family of four guitarists from Spain (The Romero Guitar Quartet).
In September 1993, Fine married Beth Heifetz, a former law clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun.
In 1941 he composed two compositions for violin: Sonet #2, introduced by Jascha Heifetz and "Valse Dramatique" performed by Mischa Elman.
He was the older brother of the concert pianist and composer Isidor Achron, who became Jascha Heifetz's accompanist for more than ten years.
After three years with Heifetz, and an impressive debut tour, Aller married a Finnish musician, Ilkka Talvi, and relocated to Finland, residing first in Helsinki and subsequently in Pori.