
2 unusual facts about Heiner Goebbels

Jörg Widmann

A year later he became a composition student of Kay Westermann (born 1958), subsequently also studying with Hans Werner Henze, Wilfried Hiller, Heiner Goebbels and Wolfgang Rihm.

Prague Quadrennial

Important artists who marked the history of the theater and the scenography participated and exposed at the Prague Quadrennial, such as Salvador Dalí, Josef Svoboda, Oscar Niemayer, Tadeusz Kantor, Guy-Claude François and Ralph Koltai, as well as figures of the contemporary theater, such as Robert Wilson, Heiner Goebbels and Renzo Piano.

see also

Andrea Molino

As well as collaborating with musicians like Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Koichi Makigami, and Phil Minton, his own projects have included VOICES, performed in October 2000 at the RomaEuropa Festival featuring previously unseen video material by Godfrey Reggio, and Drops On A Hot Stone, in collaboration with UN Volunteers, premiered in December 2001 at the Capitol in Rome after a preview in Berlin.