
3 unusual facts about Heisenberg


Benjamin Heisenberg (born 1974), German film director and screenwriter

Martin Heisenberg (born 1940), German neurobiologist and geneticist

So Solid Crew

This Wikipedia entry has been victim to a record number of spurious modifications, with over 150 "members" of So Solid Crew being identified including DJ Wogan, Richard Madeley, Heisenberg and Papa Lazarou.

Dumitru Stăniloae

He went to Munich to attend the courses of Prof. August Heisenberg (father of physicist Werner Heisenberg), and then went to Berlin, Paris and Istanbul to study the work of Gregory Palamas.

Exchange interaction

Because the Heisenberg Hamiltonian presumes the electrons involved in the exchange coupling are localized in the context of the Heitler–London, or valence bond (VB), theory of chemical bonding, it is an adequate model for explaining the magnetic properties of electrically insulating narrow-band ionic and covalent non-molecular solids where this picture of the bonding is reasonable.

Ivan Supek

"Heisenberg and von Weizsäcker came to Bohr in German army uniforms. Von Weizsäcker's idea, probably originating from his father who was Ribbentrop's deputy, was to persuade Bohr to mediate for peace between Great Britain and Germany."

Martin Heisenberg

Martin Heisenberg is married to Apollonia, Countess of Eulenburg, a niece of philosopher and physicist Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and the politician Richard von Weizsäcker.

S-1 Uranium Committee

:It may interest you that a colleague of mine who arrived from Berlin via Lisbon a few days ago, brought the following message: a reliable colleague who is working at a technical research laboratory asked him to let us know that a large number of German physicists are working intensively on the problem of the uranium bomb under direction of Heisenberg, that Heisenberg himself tries to delay the work as much as possible, fearing catastrophic results of a success.

Winding number

Finally, note that the winding number is closely related with the (2 + 1)-dimensional continuous Heisenberg ferromagnet equations and its integrable extensions: the Ishimori equation etc.

Zero-phonon line and phonon sideband

The shape of the zero-phonon line is Lorentzian with a width determined by the excited state lifetime T10 according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

see also