
unusual facts about Hellen


According to the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, his sons were themselves progenitors of primary tribes of Greece: Aeolus the Aeolians, Dorus the Dorians, and Xuthus the Achaeans and Ionians through his sons Achaeus and Ion.


Hellen |

Gabriele Reuter

There, she established in the following years a new circle of friends (including Hans Olden and his wife Grete, Rudolf Steiner and Eduard von der Hellen), and read the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer and Ernst Haeckel.

Hellen Huisman

Hellen Huisman (born 26 March 1937 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland - died 29 January 2012 in Blaricum Noord-Holland) was a voice actor who did voiceover work on Sesamstraat, the Dutch co-production of Sesame Street.

Hellen Kimaiyo

Hellen Kimaiyo Kipkoskei (born September 8, 1968 in Moiben) is a retired runner from Kenya.

John Adams II

John Adams II, his older brother George and his younger brother Charles were all rivals for the same woman, their cousin Mary Catherine Hellen, who lived with the John Quincy Adams family after the death of her parents.

Robert V. Lee

Dr. Lee began talks with Hellen Wangusa, Anglican Observer at the United Nations; and Olara Otunnu, president of the LBL Foundation for Children, winner of the German Africa Prize in 2002 and the Sydney Peace Prize in 2005, and 2011 Uganda presidential candidate, about creating a Global Action Partnership (GAP) that would address all of the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals at once, the first program of its kind.


The name Hellenes, which was originally the name of a Boeotian tribe in Thessalic Phthia, (Achaea Phthiotis) may be related to the members of the league and may have been broadened to refer to all Greeks when the myth of their patriarch Hellen was invented.

see also