
2 unusual facts about Hellenism

Fortuna Huiusce Diei

The architectural design of the temple reflects cultural syncretism: the frontality of its podium design would have placed the focus on the cult statue in the Roman manner, but some aspects are Hellenistic.


One of them was sweet, and is described by one Hellenistic source as a πλακοῦς, flat cake.


The emperor Julian went to him by the advice of Aedesius, and subsequently invited him to come to the court and assist in the projected resuscitation of Hellenism.

Fausto Zevi

He is a prolific scholar with more than 200 publications on archaic Rome, Roman hellenism, the topography and urban plan of Pompeii, Ostia, and Rome.

Greek love

Tyrwhitt, who was a vigorous supporter of studying Greek, characterized the Hellenism of his day as "the total denial of any moral restraint on any human impulses," and outlined what he saw as the proper scope of Greek influence on the education of young men.

Noah Comet

He is known for his book called Hellenism and Romantic Women Writers from Palgrave/Macmillan Press and his articles in The Wordsworth Circle and the Keats-Shelley Journal on poets Letitia Landon and Felicia Hemans.


He held that Plato and Aristotle were in substantial agreement, that God has made men free to adopt the mode of worship they prefer, and that Christianity and Hellenism were merely two forms of the one universal religion.

see also