
unusual facts about Hellmouth


Schapiro speculates that the image may have drawn from the pagan myth of the Crack of Doom, with the mouth that of the wolf-monster Fenrir, slain by Vidar, who is used as a symbol of Christ on the Gosforth Cross and other pieces of Anglo-Scandinavian art.

Cardiff Rift

In Under Torch Wood, a one-off Torchwood parody for The Register (a dialogue in the style of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas' radio play Under Milk Wood), columnist Verity Stob derides the device as lazy writing on the part of Davies and his writing team, and comments on its large indebtedness to the Hellmouth from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Get It Done

There, three African shamans speaking Swahili, tell her she is the last slayer to guard the Hellmouth and try to infuse her with additional essence of the demon that give all the slayers their strength.

Negative Approach

Picture taken at the St. Andrews Hall show on July 31, 2010On July 31, 2010 Negative Approach played the Touch and Go Fanzine-The Book Release Party, at St. Andrew’s Hall in Detroit, with Tesco Vee's Hate Police, Sorcen, Violent Apathy, and Hellmouth.

see also