
unusual facts about Helvetic


Helvetii, Celtic tribes inhabiting this region during the Roman empire;

Canton of Lugano

Commissioner Heinrich Zschokke re-established the authority of the Helvetic Republic on his arrival; a new préfet was appointed, Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Franzoni.

Henry Fuseli

His father was Johann Caspar Füssli, a painter of portraits and landscapes, and author of Lives of the Helvetic Painters.


Under the Helvetic Republic, Orbe became the capital of the District of Orbe.

Peter Ochs

The new regime included a two-chamber legislature in which Ochs served as first president of the Helvetic Senate and, later, as president of the state executive, the Directory.

Protestantism in Switzerland

The Zwingli and Calvin branches had each their theological distinctions, but in 1549 under the lead of Bullinger and Calvin they came to a common agreement in the Consensus Tigurinus (Zürich Consent), and 1566 in the Second Helvetic Confession.

see also