
unusual facts about Hemoglobin


Glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c), a surrogate marker for blood glucose levels

Allosteric enzyme

Hemoglobin, though not an enzyme, is the canonical example of an allosteric protein molecule - and one of the earliest to have its crystal structure solved (by Max Perutz).

Benu Sen

Sen was undergoing treatment at a private hospital treatment at Barasat near Kolkata, from 7 to 15 April 2011, as he had been suffering from retention of urine due to prostate enlargement and low hemoglobin count due to his previous heart problem with diabetes mellitus.

Christian Bohr

In 1903, Christian Bohr described the phenomenon, now called the Bohr effect, whereby hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide heterotopically decrease hemoglobin's oxygen-binding affinity.

Chronic mountain sickness

Clinical diagnosis by laboratory indicators have ranges of: Hb > 200 g/L, Hct > 65%, and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) < 85% in both genders.

Diffusing capacity

Carbon monoxide (CO) is tightly and rapidly bound to hemoglobin in the blood, so the partial pressure of CO in the capillaries is negligible and the second term in the denominator can be ignored.

Emile Zuckerkandl

Emanuel Margoliash's first publication of sequence data for cytochrome c allowed comparison of the rates of molecular evolution for different proteins (cytochrome c seemed to evolve faster than hemoglobin), which Zuckerkandl discussed at a 1964 conference in Bruges.

Glycated hemoglobin

The use of hemoglobin A1c for monitoring the degree of control of glucose metabolism in diabetic patients was proposed in 1976 by Anthony Cerami, Ronald Koenig and coworkers.

Hemoglobin D-Punjab

Hemoglobin D-Punjab was first discovered in the early 1950s in a mixed British and American family of Indian origin from the Los Angeles area; hence it is also sometimes called “D Los Angeles”.

Molecular clock

The notion of the existence of a so-called "molecular clock" was first attributed to Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling who, in 1962, noticed that the number of amino acid differences in hemoglobin between different lineages changes roughly linearly with time, as estimated from fossil evidence.

Red urine

Hemoglobinuria, excess hemoglobin filtered by the kidneys into the urine


The different sub-units may have each their own activity, such as binding biotin in avidin tetramers, or have a common biological property, such as the allosteric binding of oxygen in hemoglobin.

Thomas Chang

Working with improvised materials like perfume atomizers inside his dorm room turned laboratory, Chang managed to create a permeable plastic sack that would effectively carry haemoglobin almost as effectively as a natural blood cell.

see also