
3 unusual facts about Henry Aldrich

Henry Aldrich

Although not innovative in the field of Logic itself (it closely follows Petrus Hispanus' Summulae Logicales), its insistent use by generations of Oxford students has shown it to be of great synthetic and didactic value: the Compendium continued to be read at Oxford (in Mansel's revised edition) till long past the middle of the 19th century.

Olive Blakeney

Married to Bernard Nedell, mother of Betty Lou Nedell and mother-in-law of Jimmy Lydon who played her son in all but the first of the Henry Aldrich films.

Tohono Chul Park

Clifford Goldsmith, creator of the old-time radio series Henry Aldrich, rented the home at one point.

Giacomo Carissimi

Charles Burney and John Hawkins both published specimens of his compositions in their works on the history of music, while Henry Aldrich collected an almost complete set of his compositions, which are currently housed at the library of Christ Church College, Oxford.

see also

Jackie Kelk

He played Jimmy Olsen from 1940-1947 on the radio show The Adventures of Superman and Homer, best friend of Henry Aldrich on the teenage radio comedy THE ALDRICH FAMILY.