
5 unusual facts about Henry Bellamann

Henry Bellamann

Released in 1942, with some of the more controversial portions of the novel toned down to satisfy the Hays Code, Kings Row starred Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan, and Robert Cummings.

After graduation from Fulton High School in 1899 he attended Westminster College in Fulton for a year before moving to Colorado in 1901 to study piano at the University of Denver.

For several years between 1908 and 1913 while on school summer breaks the Bellamanns would travel to Europe so that Henry could study organ and piano with Charles-Marie Widor and Isidor Philipp.

The novel having made the best-sellers list, plans were soon made for a movie version of Kings Row.

Prominent citizens like the real-life town doctor are portrayed in Kings Row in a less than flattering matter.

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