
3 unusual facts about Henry Cisneros

Brad Badger

Badger is married to the former Mercedes Cisneros, daughter of Henry Cisneros.

Brendan Sullivan

He defended former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros against accusations of making false statements to the FBI during a background check.

Toby Johnson

A writing teacher at Central Catholic, Martin McMurtrey, inspired Johnson as well as such students as novelist Whitley Strieber, college president Larry Goodwin, and Henry Cisneros.

Urban Land

Past and current contributors have included such prominent individuals as former Bogotá mayor Enrique Peñalosa; urban scholar Richard Florida; economist and Brookings Institution fellow Anthony Downs; former director of land use planning for The Conservation Fund Ed McMahon; former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Henry Cisneros; and Brookings Institution fellow Christopher B. Leinberger.

see also


1993 - KUT celebrated its 35th anniversary and—in partnership with UT Austin's Center for Mexican American Studies and with major initial grants from The Ford Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting—launched the national radio series Latino USA at a "Cinco de Mayo" reception in Washington, D.C., with President Clinton in attendance along with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and cabinet secretaries Federico Peña and Henry Cisneros.