A writing teacher at Central Catholic, Martin McMurtrey, inspired Johnson as well as such students as novelist Whitley Strieber, college president Larry Goodwin, and Henry Cisneros.
Lyndon B. Johnson | Samuel Johnson | Johnson & Johnson | Dwayne Johnson | Boris Johnson | Johnson | Andrew Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Toby Keith | Magic Johnson | Robert Johnson | James Weldon Johnson | Jack Johnson | Kevin Johnson | Jimmie Johnson | Don Johnson | Randy Johnson | Betsey Johnson | Lionel Johnson | Holly Johnson | Van Johnson | Molly Johnson | Amy Johnson | Glen Johnson | Gary Johnson | Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson | David Johnson | Robert Johnson (musician) | Rida Johnson Young | Philip Johnson |
Other volumes in the White Crane series include Mark Thompson's Gay Spirit: Myth & Meaning, Toby Johnson's Gay Spirituality, James Broughton's posthumous collection of writings under the title All edited by poet and KPFA radio host Jack Foley, and a reissue of Take Off The Masks by Malcolm Boyd.
André de Vanny as Toby Johnson, Toby Johnson is a normal teenager who studies in Sandy Bay High School.