
unusual facts about Henry Flynt

Henry Flynt

Kristine Stiles & Peter Selz, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Kristine Stiles) University of California Press 2012, reprinting of Henry Flynt, Concept Art (1961) pp.


In addition to Henry Flynt, Peter Moore, Martha Cooper, and Glenn O’Brien, are responsible for the few photos we have to document the original SAMO graffiti (the The SoHo News photos have been lost to history).

see also

One and Three Chairs

In the sixties, Greenberg's and Fried's modernist doctrine dominated the American discussions on art; meanwhile, the artists Allan Kaprow, Dick Higgins, Henry Flynt, Mel Bochner, Robert Smithson and Joseph Kosuth wrote articles on art exemplifying a pluralistic anti- and post-modernist tendency which gained more influence at the end of the sixties.