
3 unusual facts about Henry Rolle

Henry Rolle

His Abridgment des plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Commun Ley, published at London in 1668, 2 vols.

On the outbreak of the Penruddock uprising, 12 March 1654-5, Rolle was at Salisbury on assize business, when he was surprised by the cavaliers under Sir Joseph Wagstaffe, who coolly proposed to hang him.

Henry Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle

, of the Manors of Litlam alias Littelham and Exmouthe belonging to the late Monastery of Shirbourne, Dorset, in as full manner as the last Abbot held the same; also the messuage formerly in the tenure of Katherine Lytton in the parish of St. Peter-the-Less, in the ward of Beynardes Castell in London; which messuage lately belonged to the late Monastery of Croxden, Staffs and is worth 26s.8d.

Margaret Rolle, 15th Baroness Clinton

Apart from the many valuable manors inherited from her father she also inherited the patronage of the Rolle pocket borough of Callington in Cornwall, and nominated in 1761 as its MP her Devon agent Richard Stevens (1702-1776), of Winscott, in the parish of Peters Marland, adjacent to Petrockstowe, who was the brother-in-law of Margaret's distant, but locally resident, cousin Henry Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle (1708-1750) of Stevenstone.

see also

Robert Denys

Anne Denys, who married Sir Henry Rolle (d.1616) of Stevenstone in Devon, an ancestor of John Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle (d.1842) and Barons Clinton, the latter of whom restored Livery Dole after the WWII bomb damage.