
3 unusual facts about Heppenheim

Dankwart Rustow

In addition to his son Timothy of Manhattan, he is survived by his wife of 18 years, Dr. Margrit Wreschner, a psychoanalyst; another son, Stephen of Manhattan; two daughters, Janet of Cambridge, Mass., and Marina of Manhattan; three grandchildren; two sisters, Maria Funk, and Friedburg Lorenz (died in 2007); a half-brother, Helmut - all of them of Heppenheim, Germany; and his stepmother, Lorena (died in 1999) of Heidelberg, Germany.

Marianne Cope

She was born January 23, 1838, in Heppenheim in the Grand Duchy of Hesse to Peter Koob (1787–1862) and Barbara Witzenbacher (1803–1872).

Thomas Zipp

Thomas Zipp (born 1966, Heppenheim, Germany) is an artist based in Berlin.

Fürth, Hesse

In the course of the monastery’s being raised to Imperial Abbey, answerable only to the Pope, and no longer within the grasp of the bishoprics of Mainz and Worms, the Emperor donated to the monastery the domain of Heppenheim in 773, which comprised the greater part of today’s Bergstraße district and great parts of the Odenwaldkreis.

The tribunal handed down a new border description which now named the most important places within the Mark Heppenheim, namely Furte (Fürth), Rintbach, Morlenbach, Birkenowa, Winenheim, Hepenheim, Besinsheim, Urbach (Auerbach), Lauresham and Bisestat.


Buslines run to the railway stations in Heppenheim and Weinheim, which, just like Grasellenbach, belong to the Rhine-Neckar Transport Network (Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar).

see also