Allen Ginsberg introduced Corso to filmmaker Gustave Reininger, and after a lengthy quiz on Gilgamesh, Heraclitus, and St. Clement of Alexandria, Corso decided to allow Reininger to make a film.
He began reading theology and philosophy since very little, knowing Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus Saint Thomas de Aquino, Samuel Vila, Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, John Calvin.
Although there was never an official "Ephesian School," Diogenes Laƫrtius (ix. 6) mentions that his philosophy did have followers who called themselves "Heracliteans." Plato portrays Cratylus in his dialogue of the same name as a disciple of Heraclitus.
In this book he draws an interesting parallel between the nearly contemporaries Lao Zi (see Tao Te Ching) and Heraclitus: the river of the Greek is compared to the Dao of the Chinese.