In the same year, Thomas Henry Barton (who later founded Barton Transport) at Hornsbys built a working high-compression version for experimental purposes, whereby the vaporiser was replaced with a cylinder head, therefore not relying on air being preheated, but by combustion through higher compression ratios.
Herbert Hoover | Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener | John Stuart Mill | House of Stuart | Herbert von Karajan | Stuart | Frank Herbert | Herbert Marcuse | Mary Stuart | J.E.B. Stuart | James Francis Edward Stuart | Herbert Read | Herbert Blomstedt | Herbert Grönemeyer | Herbert Beerbohm Tree | Stuart Raper | Stuart Highway | Matthew Herbert | Herbert Spencer | Charles Edward Stuart | Victor Herbert | Stuart Pearce | Leslie Stuart | Herbert | Herbert A. Simon | Gilbert Stuart | George Herbert | Charles Herbert Best | Stuart Rendel, 1st Baron Rendel | Stuart Manning |