
14 unusual facts about Herbert Kitchener

19th Punjabis

Subsequent to the reforms brought about in the Indian Army by Lord Kitchener in 1903, the regiment's designation was changed to 19th Punjabis.

Bootsie and Snudge

One of their colleagues, the bumbling Henry Beerbohm Johnson, has worked at the Imperial for 40 years and to begin with believes Snudge is Lord Kitchener.

Geelong Hospital

By 1917 a public meeting was held calling for a new hospital, to be dedicated to the memory of Lord Kitchener.


At the outset of World War I when Britain was contemplating the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, Lord Kitchener considered the conquest of Alexandretta to be essential in providing Britain with a port and railhead from which to access Iraq.

Johanna Brandt

Among the high-ranking British officers quartered nearby included Lord Kitchener, Lord Roberts and the Duke of Westminster.


After the final defeat of the Khalifa by the British under General Herbert Kitchener in 1898, the Nile up to the Uganda border became part of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

Lord Kitchener

Horatio Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener (1850–1916), prominent British soldier in the Sudan, the Second Boer War, and World War I. Also featured in a famous British recruitment poster in World War I.


A ship near the island was part of the Lord Herbert Kitchener Pasha campaign, which set up a camp near Wad Hamid on 24 August 1898 before Pasha went to Oumdurman for the final battle at Kararri on 2 September 1898.

Rudolph de Landas Berghes

According to his obituary, he "declared in statements after his arrival at Villanova that he had seen service under" Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, both in Sudan and in Egypt.

Siege of Maubeuge

August 12: At a British War Council 15:00–18:00, Field Marshal Lord Kitchener predicted a major German drive through Belgium, but was compelled to agree to send the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to Maubeuge as planned instead of further back to Amiens.

The Ancient Art of War in the Skies

In this air combat simulation, the player makes aerial assaults against opponents such as Lord Kitchener, Ferdinand Foch, Kaiser Wilhelm II, fictional enemy Helmut von Spike, or even Sun Tzu.

The House on 92nd Street

On January 2, 1942, 33 Nazi spies, including the ring leader Fritz Joubert Duquesne (also known as "The man who killed Kitchener"), were sentenced to more than 300 years in prison.

Victor Wallace Germains

He wrote several books on the military and foreign policy, including on Kitchener and Churchill.

Zeinab Badawi

Her great-grandfather, Sheikh Babiker Badri, fought against Kitchener's British forces at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898 and pioneered women's education in Sudan.

Battle of Kitcheners' Wood

The name of this oak plantation derived from the French name, Bois-de-Cuisinères, where French troops housed their field kitchens, and not in reference as is sometimes thought to the British general officer of the same name.

Beni Sakhr

Two years later, 1877, the survey team led by Lieutenant Kitchener, found the Beni Sakhr camped on the road to Jenin, and later between Beisan and Tiberias.

Commission for Relief in Belgium

Many influential British policymakers, notably Lord Kitchener and Winston Churchill, felt that Germany needed to either feed the Belgians themselves or deal with the resulting starvation riots right behind their lines, and that international help to relieve that pressure was helping the Germans and thereby lengthening the war.

Dardanelles Commission

Matters were complicated by the death of Field Marshal Kitchener, who had been Secretary of State for War, on 6 June 1916.

Edward Frederick Knight

Knight subsequently covered Kitchener's Soudan Expedition, the Spanish-American War in Cuba, the French expedition against Madagascar, the Anglo-Boer War.

French colonial empire

This resulted in the Fashoda Incident, where an expedition led by Jean-Baptiste Marchand was opposed by forces under Lord Kitchener's command.

Kâmil Pasha

The ex-Grand Vizier (who probably was in danger of life) was invited by his British friend Lord Kitchener to stay with him in Cairo.

Princess Nazli Fazl

In this palace, she began hosting soirees, and was friendly with the intellectual elites of her day, including the Egyptians, Muhammad Abduh, Saad Zaghloul, and Qasim Amin, and the British, Lord Cromer and Herbert Kitchener.

Second Battle of Artois

At a meeting on 29 March with Sir John French the commander of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and Herbert Kitchener the Secretary of State for War, it was agreed that the IX and XX corps would be relieved at Ypres by British units and on 1 April, French agreed to attack at the same time as the Tenth Army.

William Murray Threipland

On 26 February 1915, Murray Threipland, having been interviewed by Lord Kitchener and King George V, was appointed to command a new Guards Regiment.

With Kitchener in the Soudan, A Story of Atbara and Omdurman

Gregory obtains a position as interpreter in the expedition under Lord Kitchener which is advancing into the Soudan to attack the Dervish forces.