
4 unusual facts about Hernando de Soto

Mongolia economic forum

The Peruvian Economist, Hernando de Soto, read a lecture “Significance of registration structure, validation of property rights is foundation of progress”.

Hernando de Soto, the President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy, was invited to the Forum as the first Guest of Honor.

According to Hernando de Soto, only 20 per cent of property in Mongolians has official registrations.

Shell Shaker

Hernando de Soto: Spanish explorer who was the first European to set eyes on the Mississippi River.

Chicot County, Arkansas

Landmarks around the county include Lake Chicot, North America's largest oxbow lake and Arkansas's largest natural lake; the site of Charles Lindbergh's first night-time flight; and the legendary burial site of Hernando De Soto, near Lake Village.

Inés de Bobadilla

Inés de Bobadilla sometimes Isabel de Bobadilla (?-1543) was the daughter of Pedro Arias Dávila (1440? - 1531) and Isabel de Bobadilla, she married, in 1537, Hernando de Soto who was then named governor of Cuba and Adelantado de Florida.

see also