
unusual facts about Hi'-Neighbor!


Also joining Our Gang at this time were several new child actors, in particular Wally Albright, Scotty Beckett, and Jackie Lynn Taylor.

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin

Carol has been visiting a psychoanalyst (George Rigaud) because of a string of disturbing dreams she's been having featuring her decadent neighbor, Julia Durer (Anita Strindberg).

Abib Sarajuddin

Sarajuddin, his brother Khan Zaman, his son Gul Zaman, and his neighbor Mohammad Gul, were all captured on the night of January 21, 2002, early during the administration of Hamid Karzai.

Antonio Rivera

The second athlete to have his mortal remains exposed there was Félix Javier Pérez, a basketball player who was murdered later that year while trying to defend a neighbor from robbers.

B. D. Hyman

Under the stage name B.D. Merrill, she played a minor role as the next door neighbor's daughter in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), in which her mother co-starred with Joan Crawford.

Border Incident

"Here is the All-American Canal. It runs through the desert for miles along the California-Mexico border... Farming in Imperial Valley... requires a vast army of farm workers... and this army of farm workers comes from our neighbor to the south, from Mexico. ... It is this problem of human suffering and injustice about which you should know. The following composite case is based upon factual information supplied by the Immigration and Naturalization Service..."

Castleton Corners, Staten Island

Castleton Corners is separated from its eastern neighbor Sunnyside by Castleton Hill, noted for the two churches that stand across from one another on its western ridge—a Moravian church (Castleton Hill Moravian Church) on one side of Victory Boulevard and a Roman Catholic church (St. Teresa's) on the other.

Claudelle Inglish

Her mother tries to force her to marry S.T. but she flatly rejects him and starts having flings with Dennis (making love to him in his car down by the woods the same night she's supposed to go out with S.T.), Dave Adams (Jan Stine), Charles Henry (Robert Logan) and other neighbor boys, gaining herself a bad reputation with the men.

Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra

Over the years, such musical notables as Curt Hitch, Bill Rank, Earl Roberts, Doc Ryker, Paul Oconnor, Mike Walbridge, Bob Neighbor, Frank Powers, Bob Lefever, Johnny Haynes, Jimmy and Carrie Mazzy, Moe Klippert, Clyde Austin, Nocky Parker, Fred Woodaman and Spiegle Willcox have attended the event.

Cyrus West Field

During the Panic of 1857, Field's paper business suspended, and he was kept from going under by his neighbor in Gramercy Park, Peter Cooper.

David Roback

He was a classmate and neighbor of John Hoffs, the brother of Susanna Hoffs, who would eventually become the lead singer of the all-girl band The Bangles.

Draper's Meadow massacre

Among the victims were Colonel James Patton, a neighbor (Caspar Barger), and two people in Mary Draper Ingles' family: her mother (Elenor Draper), and the baby of her sister-in-law (Bettie Draper), who (the baby) was killed by dashing its head against the wall of a cabin.

Edith Bunker

She was decidedly less bigoted than Archie (e.g., she was good friends with her black neighbor Louise Jefferson, while Archie was always at odds with her and husband George, and she acknowledged that she'd voted for President Jimmy Carter in one of the later episodes).

Emperor Taizong's campaign against Eastern Tujue

Emperor Taizong of Tang (r. 626-649), the second emperor of Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, faced a major threat from Tang's northern neighbor, the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, whom his father Emperor Gaozu of Tang had been subjugated by in several manners.

Empire, Michigan

A wide beach separates Lake Michigan from its close neighbor, South Bar Lake.


Fraternal correction, the admonishing of one's neighbor by a private individual with the purpose of reforming or, if possible, preventing the neighbor's sinful indulgence

Ghirardelli Chocolate Company

In 1847, nine years later, James Lick (Ghirardelli's neighbor) moved to San Francisco with 600 pounds of Ghirardelli's chocolate.


In 1995 Uesslingen municipality merged with its neighbor to form a new and larger municipality Uesslingen-Buch.

Jean Speegle Howard

In a 1995 episode of Roseanne, Howard appeared as an elderly neighbor who prefers to be nude while in her own home, much to the chagrin of Dan and Roseanne, who often see from their own bedroom window.

Joe Alaskey

For the show's final weeks, Alaskey was replaced by Jim McKrell and the "next door neighbor" concept was dropped.


Jolfa is located to the north of Tabriz, separated by the Aras River from its northern neighbor and namesake, the town of Julfa in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


In 1995 Bissegg municipality merged with its neighbor to form a new and larger municipality Amlikon-Bissegg.

Karl-August Fagerholm

In January 1959, after Kekkonen had traveled to Leningrad to personally assure Nikita Khrushchev that Finland would be a "good neighbor" and a Prime Minister from Kekkonen's Agrarian Center Party was appointed, all economic intercourse resumed.

Kate Matthews

Kate Matthews' most recognized photographs are those illustrating The Little Colonel series of books written by her friend and neighbor, Annie Fellows Johnston.

Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben

The organization supports financial need based scholarship programs, administers Nebraska's Pioneer Farm program, Good Neighbor Awards, and Ike Friedman Leadership Awards.

Laugh to Keep from Crying

She works long hours during the day, and is good friends with Belinda (Chandra Currelley-Young), their neighbor across the hall.

Leslie Turner

Ann Turner Cook found fame as the model for the Gerber Baby, trademarked art reproduced from a 1928 charcoal sketch by the Turner family's neighbor, artist Dorothy Hope Smith.

Lobster Records

The label started with Bad Neighbor, a Montecito based rock band, with a huge local following featuring Alan Duncan and Mark Bennett on guitars, Sean Murphy on drums, Todd Roll on Bass and Zak Remington on lead vocals.

Max Hudicourt

He married twice, to Marie Bellegarde (daughter of his next door neighbor, Dantès Bellegarde) and Julie Bartoli but left no children from either wife.


In Extra, Takeru Shirogane (Voiced by Takeshi Aiba in PC and Soichiro Hoshi in Ports) wakes up one morning to find a beautiful young woman sleeping in his bed and an infuriated Sumika Kagami (Voiced by Rika Fujiwara in PC and Hiroko Taguchi in Port), Takeru's neighbor and childhood friend.

Norman Stansfield

When Stansfield learns that the holder has been stealing some of the drugs for himself, he and his henchmen gun down the man's entire family, with the exception of 12-year-old Mathilda (Natalie Portman), who is able to find refuge with neighbor, and professional hitman, Léon (Jean Reno).

Part-of-speech tagging

Methods such as SVM, Maximum entropy classifier, Perceptron, and Nearest-neighbor have all been tried, and most can achieve accuracy above 95%.

Patricia Belcher

She currently stars as the snobbish neighbor Mrs. Dabney in Good Luck Charlie.

Perkins School of Theology

It is named for its benefactor Joseph Sterling Bridwell, an oilman and rancher who was a neighbor of the Perkinses in Wichita Falls.

Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt

The letter is addressed to an otherwise unknown Picard countryman named Sygerus (Sigerus, Ysaerus) of Foucaucourt, possibly a friend and neighbor of the author; Foucaucourt borders on the home area of Peregrinus around Maricourt, in the present-day department of the Somme, near Péronne.

Pro Arts Inc.

In April 1976 Ted was planting trees on his apple farm when one of his neighbor's kids mentioned that he and his friends were buying women's magazines to get pictures of a then-unknown blond beauty, Farrah Fawcett.

Return to Lonesome Dove

Newt is to be hanged for the incident before he is rescued by a neighbor, Gregor Dunnigan (Oliver Reed).

Riding the Bullet

He gets a call from a neighbor in his hometown, Lewiston, telling him that his mother has been taken to the hospital after having a stroke.

Roger Clinton, Jr.

Clinton has had minor roles in several films, including Bio-Dome and Fred Claus, and guest-starred on a number of television shows, including The Nanny as himself (neighbor), Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, and Cybill.


Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol, a security extension of the Neighbor Discovery Protocol

Sidney Fields

Fields was part of an ensemble cast that included Hillary Brooke as a neighbor and love interest of Lou Costello's, Gordon Jones as Mike the Cop, who was a dimwitted comedic foil for the boys, Joe Besser as Stinky Davis, a 40-year-old man dressed in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit, and Joe Kirk as Mr. Bacciagalupe, an Italian immigrant caricature who ran a bakery store.

T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a machine learning algorithm for dimensionality reduction developed by Laurens van der Maaten and Geoffrey Hinton.

The Crime of Monsieur Lange

At the same time, Lange and his neighbor, Valentine (Florelle), fall in love.

The Frozen North

He discovers a pretty but married neighbor (Bonnie Hill), quickly wears good clothes and takes flowers to her where she imagines him as Erich von Stroheim's character from the film Foolish Wives.

The Hound That Thought He Was a Raccoon

One day his curiosity leads him inside a butter churn that Jeff is about to return to a neighbor, and Jeff loads the churn onto his old truck and drives off with Nubbin still inside.

Viretta Park

The first version of Friends of Viretta Park group was formed by area neighbors during a controversy with former neighbor and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who formerly lived to the South.

Yuknoom Ch'een II

And far to the west of Calakmul, the accession of a king at Moral-Reforma in 662 took place under the auspices of Kaan, an event apparently coordinated with an attack by Piedras Negras on Moral-Reforma's neighbor Santa Elena that same year — an inscription at Piedras Negras mentions Calakmul six days before this event.

see also