
3 unusual facts about High Speed 1

Fiber-reinforced concrete

The High Speed 1 tunnel linings incorporated concrete containing 1 kg/m³ of polypropylene fibers, of diameter 18 & 32 μm, giving the benefits noted below.

Kent Route Utilisation Strategy

Uniquely, this RUS area encompasses the only dedicated very high-speed railway in the United Kingdom, the so-called High Speed 1 (HS1), over which domestic, as opposed to the established international, services started a few weeks prior to publication of the RUS.

South London Route Utilisation Strategy

Another project that does not directly form part of the RUS area but has a knock-on effect certainly to passenger services and possibly to freight services is High Speed One (HS1).

Ebbsfleet Valley

Ebbsfleet International railway station was opened in November 2007 and provides services to Continental Europe on High Speed 1.

Temple Mills

2009 saw the opening of Stratford International station on High Speed 1, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, and in 2012 the location of the main Olympic Park, which contained a significant number of venues used in the 2012 Summer Olympics, including the Olympic Stadium, Aquatics Centre, and London Velopark.

Transport in Ashford, Kent

With the introduction of domestic train services along High Speed 1 between St Pancras railway station, Stratford International station in east London and Ashford, it is expected to pull the outer limits of the London commuter belt to the town and beyond, as travel time from Ashford to London is reduced from 83 to about 37 minutes.

see also