Johann Heinrich Jung (known as Jung-Stilling) (born 12 September 1740 in Grund; died 2 April 1817 in Karlsruhe), taylor, teacher, eye specialist, economist (kameralist), writer, consultat of the Count of Baden.
John Ernst of Nassau came with his 3,100 men, including his brother William and Joachim Ernst of Schleswig-Holstein, for Gradisca d'Isonzo, a small but powerful Hapsburg city in the county of Gorizia and Gradisca, on the River Isonzo.
Charlotte Johanna of Waldeck-Wildungen (13 December 1664 in Arolsen – 1 February 1699 in Hildburghausen) was a daughter of Count Josias II of Waldeck-Wildungen and his wife, Wilhelmine Christine, a daughter William of Nassau-Hilchenbach.