
5 unusual facts about Hippocrates


Much of it consisted of an integration of medicine as understood from the revelations of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and the practices of Pre-Islamic Arabia with Ancient Greek medicine, quoting heavily from the ideas and terminologies of Hippocrates and Ibn Sina.

Hunterian Collection

They include key historical texts by authors including Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius and William Harvey, as well as the writings of Hunter's contemporaries, such as William Smellie, Albinus and Albrecht von Haller.

Ó hÍceadha

In 1403 Nicholas Ó hÍceadha (with Boulger O'Callahan) wrote a commentary on the Aphorism of Hippocrates, a fragment of which is still preserved in the British Museum, London.

Perils of Nyoka

Nyoka, with Larry Grayson, attempt to discover the Golden Tablets of Hippocrates.

Pittville Pump Room

Above the colonnade are three statues, by Lucius Gahagen, erected in 1827, of the goddess Hygieia, Aesculapius and Hippocrates.

Amades, Chios

Apart from the chance to hike on Pelinaio mountain or swim to the village's beach, visitors may be delighted to taste local dishes in the tavern near the river and under the huge tree of Hippocrates, Platanus.

Anatomical theatre of the Archiginnasio

They represent some famous physicians of Ancient times (Hippocrates, Galenus, etc.) and of the local athenaeum (Mondino de Liuzzi, Gasparo Tagliacozzi).

André Dacier

The most important of his works were his editions of Pompeius Festus and Verrius Flaccus, and his translations of Horace (with notes), Aristotle's Poetics, the Electra and Oedipus Coloneus of Sophocles; Epictetus, Hippocrates and Plutarch's Lives.

Dexippus of Cos

Dexippus of Cos, (also called Dioxippus; 4th century BC), a Greek physician of Cos, who was one of the pupils of the celebrated Hippocrates, and lived in the 4th century BC.

Félix Dupanloup

There are 40 letters in all, mainly to people in Italian history and fiction, but also to internationally well known fictional and historical characters such as Pinocchio, Charles Dickens, Hippocrates, and Jesus.

Francis Clifton

He also published Hippocrates upon Air, Water, and Situation ... To this is added Thucydides' Account of the Plague of Athens.

Ibn Abi Sadiq

Ibn Abi Sadiq also wrote a commentary on the Prognostics of Hippocrates, on Galen's treatise On the Usefulness of the Parts, and on Razi's treatise Doubts about Galen (Shukuk ‘alá Jalinus).

Inheritance of acquired characteristics

The idea was proposed in ancient times by Hippocrates and Aristotle, and was commonly accepted near to Lamarck's time.

Louis Linck

These are still on permanent display in their "Hall of Immortals", and include statues of Marie Curie, Andreas Vesalius, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Ambroise Paré, Joseph Lister, and Hippocrates.

Lune of Hippocrates

Heath concludes that, in proving his result, Hippocrates was also the first to prove that the area of a disk is proportional to the square of its diameter.

Medical diagnosis

The history of medical diagnosis began in earnest from the days of Imhotep in ancient Egypt and Hippocrates in ancient Greece.

Midwifery in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the medical knowledge and understanding that people relied on was from the Roman and Greek understanding of medicine, specifically Galen, Hippocrates, and Aristotle.

Solomon Steinheim

Steinheim, besides remaining a lifelong student of Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Celsus, took a great interest in natural history.

Syrian Monastery, Egypt

The manuscripts found in the Syrian monastery inspired intense research on the Syriac language and culture, for until that time, many classical texts from Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Hippocrates and Galen were known to Western scholars only in their thirteenth-century Latin translations.

University of Salerno

The Salerno Medical School reached the height of its glory between the 10th and 13th centuries, especially due to the contribution of Alphanus of Salerno and Constantine the African, who deemed Salerno worthy of the name of “City of Hippocrates” (Hippocratica Civitas), after the well-known Greek physician and mathematician.

Venus Castina

Hippocrates, describing among the Scythians "No-men" who resembled eunuchs, wrote, "they not only follow women's occupations, but show feminine inclinations and behave as women. The natives ascribe the cause to a deity..." (cited by Hammond, 1887).

Vidus Vidius

This book was one of the best illustrated at the time and was based on works of Hippocrates, Galen, and Oribasius.

see also