Aki Ross is a fictional character created by Hironobu Sakaguchi for Square Pictures under Square, for the purpose of use in their debut film The Spirits Within.
Two of his first staff members were Hironobu Sakaguchi and Hiromichi Tanaka, both of whom quit university to work at Square full-time after Square's first game The Death Trap was released.
Hironobu Kageyama | Hironobu Sakaguchi | Seiji Sakaguchi | Ango Sakaguchi | Hironobu Takesaki |
The initial idea for Kingdom Hearts began with a discussion between Shinji Hashimoto and Hironobu Sakaguchi about Super Mario 64.
Upon Square's inception, Miyamoto initially hired university students Hironobu Sakaguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka and three others as part-time workers.