
5 unusual facts about History of the Puritans in North America

History of the Puritans in North America

In 1620, after receiving a patent from the London Company, the Pilgrims left for New England on board the Mayflower, landing at Plymouth Rock.

They returned to Virginia when the "Roundheads" appointed Bennett as governor there in 1652; later, in 1672, all of them, including Bennett, converted to the Quaker faith upon meeting its founder, George Fox.

Robert Cushman and Edward Winslow – believed that Cape Ann would be a profitable location for a settlement.

A number of contemporary Unitarian congregations in New England such as The First Church in Salem (founded 1629) and The First Parish in Cambridge (founded 1632) also trace their roots back to English and New England Puritan congregations.

Two of the Pilgrim settlers in Plymouth Colony - Robert Cushman and Edward Winslow - believed that Cape Ann would be a profitable location for a settlement.

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