
5 unusual facts about History of the Scottish Socialist Party

History of the Scottish Socialist Party

Tommy Sheridan saved his deposit in Glasgow Pollok, and Jim McVicar and Alan McCombes picked up a significant vote in Glasgow Baillieston and Glasgow Govan respectively.

The SSP was active in the anti-war movement and the firefighters' dispute, and gained five additional regional list MSPs across Scotland: Frances Curran; Rosie Kane; Carolyn Leckie; Colin Fox; and Rosemary Byrne.

On 11 November 2004, Tommy Sheridan resigned as convener of the Scottish Socialist Party, citing personal reasons.

The SSP contested the first elections to the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999 and succeeded in getting its National Convenor, Tommy Sheridan, elected to represent the Glasgow region.

The SSA's electoral stance was that there needed to be a left alternative to New Labour and the SNP, and the SSA felt that the experience had been enough of a success to go on to form the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 1998, with Tommy Sheridan as its convenor, in advance of the Scottish Parliament general election, 1999.

see also