
3 unusual facts about Hizbul Islam

Black Standard

Islamic extremist organizations that used such a black flag include al‑Qaeda, al‑Shabaab, the Islamic Courts Union, the Islamic State of Iraq and Hizbul Islam (2009).

Hizbul Islam

Sheikh Omar Iman Abubakar - Chairman of Hizbul Islam until 26 May 2009 when he stepped down, handing over his position to Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys.

Sheikh Omar Iman Abubakar, a high-ranking official of the Eritrea-based faction of the Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia, was initially appointed as the group's chairman.

see also

Battle of Mogadishu

Battle of South Mogadishu, a two-day armed clash in February, 2009, between the TFG and Hizbul Islam

Battle of Mogadishu (2009), a 6 month stand-off between al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam rebels and the TFG-ARS Alliance, involving 7 rounds of high intensity violence