
unusual facts about Hjalmar Branting

Branting II Cabinet

In the general election, 1921 the Swedish Social Democratic Party got 36,2% of the votes and Hjalmar Branting got the majority to form a government.

Paul Lafargue

In these late years, Lafargue had already distanced himself from any form of political activity, living on the outskirts of Paris in the village of Draveil, limiting his contributions to a number of articles and essays, as well as occasional contacts with some of the most outstanding socialist activists of the time, such as Karl Kautsky and Hjalmar Branting of the older generation, and Karl Liebknecht or Vladimir Lenin of the younger generation.

Stockholm Observatory

The young Hjalmar Branting, later the first social democratic prime minister of Sweden, was employed as a mathematics assistant at the Stockholm Observatory 1879-1880 and 1882-1883.

see also