In the late 19th century, Hjalmar Stolpe, an entomologist by education, arrived on Björkö to study fossilized insects found in amber on the island.
He is most well known for his archaeological excavations at the Viking-age site Birka.
In 1881-1883 a series of excavations by Hjalmar Stolpe revealed 14 graves in and just beyond the south-east corner of Vendel churchyard.
Hjalmar Schacht | Stolpe | Hjalmar Peterson | Hjalmar Petersen | Per Karl Hjalmar Dusén | Hjalmar Stolpe | Hjalmar Johansen | Daniel Owen Stolpe | Sven Stolpe | Stolpe, Ostvorpommern | Stolpe (Mecklenburg) | Hjalmar Stolpe's tombstone in Solna Church | Hjalmar Selander | Hjalmar Frisell | Hjalmar Christensen | Hjalmar August Schiøtz | Hjalmar Andersen | Gösta Hjalmar Liljequist | Bólu-Hjálmar | August Hjalmar Edgren |