The Cine Pobre Film Festival, based in the coastal city of Gibara in the eastern province of Holguín (Cuba) is one of the most popular events of the alternative film circuit.
The town is a hefty 800-kilometre trek from Havana and an hour's drive along poor roads from both Holguín (which boasts an international airport) and the pristine beaches of Guardalavaca (home to many all-inclusive resorts).
Near Holguín, the Villa El Quinque and the Villa El Cocal receive patients like Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona who was treated for his cocaine addiction there.
Jorge Luis Aguilera Ruiz (born January 16, 1966 in Frank País, Holguín) is a retired male track and field sprinter from Cuba who won an Olympic bronze medal in 4 x 100 metres relay in Barcelona 1992.
Monsignor Larrea Holguín was a professor in various Ecuadorian universities, including the Catholic University of Guayaquil of and Central University of Ecuador.
Levisa-Nicaro (or Nicaro-Levisa), a town in Holguín Province, Cuba
There are references to this dance in the works of Diego González Holguín and Ludovico Bertonio, Gonzáles Holguín compared this dance with the saynata and the siracusa, with the meaning of a “laughter thing”.
Before having taken office, Holguín accompanied president-elect Santos on his first overseas trip after being elected, taking the diplomatic role head on during their meetings with the British Prime Minister David Cameron, and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Miguelito LaMorte has also collaborated in songwriting with a variety of artists, including Larry DVoskin and Miklos Malek - "Now I Know Why", Danny Weinkauf of the group, They Might Be Giants - "Saying Goodbye to Love", Jaime Holguin - "Enamorados (this old song of love)", Victor Hernandez Soto and Bernardo Palombo - "Carta Lagrimada", Peter Block of the band Porter Block - "Solitary Hotel", Ed Tuton - "Ride", amongst others, not listed.
Cuban khaki dwarf boa, Tropidophis hendersoni, is a newly described species of dwarf boa from the northern coast of eastern Cuba, in the province of Holguín.