
2 unusual facts about Holos


Holistic Systems was purchased by the hardware company Seagate Technology in 1996.

Only Holistic and Crystal remained, and Seagate Software was renamed to Crystal Decisions.


Holos |

Crystal Analysis

The initial rewrite only supported Microsoft Analysis Services, but support for other vendors soon followed, with Holos cubes in version 8.5, Essbase, IBM DB2 and SAP BW following in later releases.

Crystal Decisions

As part of this acquisition, the former Research and Development site in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, was closed with a loss of about 80 jobs in order to centralize development in Vancouver and Paris, with the support for the Holos product being outsourced to Raspberry Software based near Ipswich.

Holomorphic function

The word "holomorphic" was introduced by two of Cauchy's students, Briot (1817–1882) and Bouquet (1819–1895), and derives from the Greek ὅλος (holos) meaning "entire", and μορφή (morphē) meaning "form" or "appearance".

Stepan Pasicznyk

recording introductory music for Canadian British Columbia's longest running Ukrainian radio show, Nash Holos (Our Voice).


Holism, (from holos, a Greek word meaning all, entire, total) the idea that all the properties of a given system cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its component parts alone

see also