
unusual facts about Home Guard

Military reserve force

A Home Guard is a specific type of reserve force that can only be activated in the event of invasion.

Coole Pilate

The parish had a platoon in the Home Guard during the Second World War, which guarded the canal bridges and reinforced the RAF at the nearby Hack Green Radar Station.

It Sticks Out Half a Mile

The original pilot episode, set in 1948, involved former bank manager and Home Guard Captain George Mainwaring (Arthur Lowe) deciding to renovate a decrepit seaside pier in the fictional town of Frambourne-on-Sea, only to find when applying for a bank loan that the manager of the local branch is his former chief cashier and Home Guard Sergeant Arthur Wilson (John Le Mesurier).

Robb Wilton

He has been acknowledged as an influence by fellow Lancashire comedians Ken Dodd and Les Dawson, and the film historian Jeffrey Richards has cited him as a key influence for the TV sitcom Dad's Army (1968–1977); he made several monologues in the person of a layabout husband who wryly takes part in the Home Guard.

United States Army Bermuda Garrison

The local government raised two part-time units, the Bermuda Militia Artillery, to reinforce the Royal Garrison Artillery, and the Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps, to reinforce the regular infantry battalion (and the Bermuda Volunteer Engineers in 1930, as well as the Bermuda Militia Infantry and the Home Guard during the Second World War).

see also

Confederate Home Guard

The Confederate Home Guard plays a major role in the novel Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier and the film of the same name written and directed by Anthony Minghella.

Croatian Home Guard

Home Guard (1992–1995), section of the Croatian Defence Council which operated in present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina

Long-range reconnaissance patrol

The Danish Defence Forces had two long-range surveillance companies (LRSC) known as "Patrol-Companies" - one assigned to the Jyske Division in Jutland and one assigned to the Land Command Zealand (Corps-level) (abbreviated "SEP/ELK" and "SEP/VLK" for: "Specielle Efterretningspatruljer/Østre resp. Vestre Landkommando" i.e. Special Intelligence Patrols) - an all volunteer unit within the Danish Home Guard that is now called Special Support and Reconnaissance Company (SSR).

Murray Hammick

(1890-1968), engineering degree Camb, Major in 6th Bn Manchester Regt in Great War, Chief Engineer Iraqi Petroleum Company, Petroleum Warfare Department in Second War, co-inventor of HAMEL PLUTO D-Day pipeline system, Lance Corporal Home Guard.


These were formerly owned by the Jersey family and were used during World War II as the home for Tom Wintringham's Home Guard training school.

Robert Dorning

Writer Jimmy Perry initially envisaged Jon Pertwee as the pompous bank manager and Home Guard officer Captain Mainwaring with Robert Dorning as Sergeant Wilson but eventually gave the roles to Arthur Lowe and John Le Mesurier respectively.

Sri Lanka Civil Security Force

In 1986 the Home Guard Service was created by the then Minister of National Security the late Hon. Lalith Athulathmudali with a strength of about 5000 personnel.

Uganda People's Army

In the 1970s, President Idi Amin Dada created Iteso Home Guard units specifically to protect the region from raids by Karamojong cattle rustlers.