Gilmak Queiroz da Silva, commonly known as Gilmak, (born December 2, 1986 in Horizonte, Brazil) is a Brazilian footballer currently playing for the Brazilian football club Botafogo-SP.
Belo Horizonte | Novo Horizonte, São Paulo | Novo Horizonte | '''Water meter''' in Belo Horizonte | '''Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes''' sign in Belo Horizonte | Horizonte |
Taveira Corrêa received his episcopal consecration on the following July 6 from João Resende Costa, archbishop emeritus of Belo Horizonte, with the archbishop of Belo Horizonte, Serafim Fernandes de Araújo, and the archbishop of Ribeirão Preto, Arnaldo Ribeiro, serving as co-consecrators.
Andreas Urs Sommer, Geschichte als Trost. Isaak Iselins Geschichtsphilosophie (Basel: Schwabe, 2002) (= Schwabe Horizonte) (ISBN 3-7965-1940-7).
Ísis Nable Valverde was born in Aiuruoca, Minas Gerais state, she moved to Belo Horizonte to study when she was 15 years-old.
Marista Hall, also known as Chevrolet Hall, a convention centre in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Novo Horizonte Futebol Clube, commonly known as Novo Horizonte, is a Brazilian football club based in Ipameri, Goiás state.
The games took place at the Estádio Municipal Castor Cifuentes in Nova Lima, Brazil, near Belo Horizonte.
A comprehensive exhibition of one hundred paintings by the artist to the centennial of his birth, "One Hundred Years / one hundred works" ( 100 de ani/100 de opere ) was held from 11 to 28 September 2007 at his home in the National Art Museum of Moldova in Chișinău, where in October moved in Bucharest and beyond - repeating the career of the artist - in Brussels, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and other cities in Brazil - Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Poços de Caldas and São Paulo.
The Taça Belo Horizonte de Juniores (or Belo Horizonte Youth Cup, in English), also known as Taça Belo Horizonte de Futebol Júnior is a cup competition usually played by 36 Brazilian under-20 football teams, most of them from Minas Gerais state.
Radio 7 was divided in Revista Radio Cultural with its main show Tiempo Latino in the mornings and Summer evenings, produced and hosted by Frantz Santiago-Peretz and Radio Nuevo Horizonte Spanish religious block in the afternoons led by Rev. Jose Rivera.