In the year 2004, the school was visited by the former German Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Eva Köhler, the wife of the former German President Horst Köhler, who praised the German Church School and the
2006 the German president Horst Köhler visited Heiden because of the factory Entrup-Haselbach, which sells deep-frozen bakery products.
Kohler | Rolf Köhler | Louis Horst | Horst Liepolt | Horst Hrubesch | John Michael Kohler Arts Center | Horst Köhler | Horst | Wolfgang Köhler | Walter J. Kohler, Jr. | Köhler | Horst Schumann | Horst Buchholz | Kohler, Wisconsin | Kohler Company | Horst Wessel | Horst Stein | Horst Muhlmann | Horst Jankowski | Horst Bredekamp | Horst aan de Maas | Hans Horst Meyer | Walter J. Kohler, Sr. | Richie Kohler | Horst Heese | Horst H. Baumann | Horst Fascher | Fred Kohler | 18th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Horst Wessel | Terry Kohler |
In the context of the 'Germany - Land of Ideas' (Deutschland - Land der Ideen) initiative under the patronage of the President of Germany Horst Köhler the ZB MED was awarded the distinction 'Selected Landmark 2009' (Ausgewählter Ort 2009).
In 2007 the initiative "Deutschland - Land der Ideen" (Germany – Country of Ideas) under the patronage of President of Germany Horst Köhler awarded Hülsta the "Ausgewählter Ort 2007" (Selected Site 2007).