
11 unusual facts about Hoti

Baca Kurti Gjokaj

He rebelled against the unjustified decision of the Congress of Berlin to hand over the northern Albanian regions of Hoti, Gruda, Ulcinj, Trieshi, Plav-Gusinje etc. to Montenegro.

Battle of Deçiq

The Albanians, on the other hand, had their own leaders named Ded Gjo Luli Dedvukaj, from the Hoti tribe, and Sokol Baci Ivezaj, from the Gruda tribe.

Battle of Ržanica

Marash Uci traveled to Çun Mula in Hoti and asked him to summon the tribal leaders of Hoti and Gruda to the Church of Saint John's (Kisha e Shen Gjonit), located in Hoti, without delay for a council meeting.


Hoti, Pakistan, a region in the Mardan District of the North-West Frontier Province.

Kelmend region

On May 26, 1913, 130 leaders of Gruda, Hoti, Kelmendi, Kastrati and Shkreli sent a petition to Cecil Burney in Shkodër against the incorporation of their territories into Montenegro.


Along with Albanian-inhabited villages Hoti and Gruda, Koći is, from Albanian point of view, part of the wider Malësia-region (Malesija).

Lale Drekalov

They were among the 11 highland villages that actively fought against the Ottoman Empire; others included Vasojevići, Bjelopavlići, Kelmendi and Hoti.


Albanian-inhabited villages of Hoti, Gruda and Koći are, from Albanian point of view, part of the wider Malësia-region (Malesija).

Hoti is a Catholic Albanian village that is the brother village of Trieshi.

Piperi clan

Pipo's brothers were forefathers of the Orthodox Serb tribes of Vasojevići and Ozrinići, Mrkojevići, Ban (Bijeli Pavle) Brđani(Bjelopavlici), and the Albanian Catholic tribes Krasniqi (and Serbian Orthodox Krasnići) and Hoti).


The Albanians of Tuzi today are originally from the surrounding Malesija region tribes of Hoti, Gruda, Triesh and Koja.