Frame began developing Ooma in 2005, backed by a strong team of technology celebrities including Mike Ramsey, creator of TiVo, Steve Jurvetson, a Venture Capitalist who has backed companies such as Hotmail and Skype, and actor, producer, and entrepreneur Ashton Kutcher, who Frame brought aboard as the company’s Creative Director.
This means that senders will experience consistent authentication results for their messages at AOL, Comcast, Gmail, Hotmail,, Netease, XS4ALL, Yahoo! and any other email receiver implementing DMARC.
Virgin Mobile added Ultimate Inbox to the LG Rumor 2 which includes several choices of push E-mail communication with support for Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, AOL Mail, Gmail, and an additional user-defined POP or IMAP account.
NeoAccel has financial support and venture capital infusions from Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia, and inventor Prabhu Goel.
In May 2013, Microsoft announces that as part of their migration of Hotmail accounts to the new email system, they'd migrated over 150 Petabytes of user data in six weeks.
Support for creating e-mail accounts in an automated fashion on Hotmail and AOL have been completely removed.