In 1894 the conflict between the progressive and conservative tendencies heated over the proposed relaxation of the census.
Terminator (franchise) | Media franchise | Highlander (franchise) | media franchise | Law & Order (franchise) | ''Resident Evil'' franchise | Indiana Jones (franchise) | Dune (franchise) | Back to the Future (franchise) | Tron (franchise) | The Franchise Affair | Police Academy (franchise) | List of Mario franchise characters | Jurassic Park (franchise) | Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation | Hugo (franchise) | Dragon Ball (franchise) | Degrassi (franchise) | Blues (Super rugby franchise) | A Nightmare on Elm Street (franchise) | Alien (franchise) | Women's Franchise League | ''Tron'' franchise | Transformers (franchise) | The Mummy (franchise) | The Matrix (franchise) | The Evil Dead (franchise) | ''Terminator'' franchise | Star Trek (film franchise) | ''Spyro the Dragon'' franchise |