
unusual facts about Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Adolph Hansen

Hansen wrote scholarly works on Goethe's Metamorphosis of Plants and had a fierce dipute over this hypothesis with Houston Stewart Chamberlain.

Carl Vincent Krogmann

Despite his shaky status Krogmann, a devotee of the writings of Richard Wagner, Paul de Lagarde and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, was a staunch believer in Nazism, especially its antisemitic aspects and rigorously enforced anti-Jewish laws within Hamburg whilst publicly speaking in support of them elsewhere.

William Charles Chamberlain

They had 3 children, Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850–1935), a Japanologist, Henry Chamberlain (1853–1923), a lieutenant-commander in the Royal Navy, and Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855–1927), the natural historian and author (more accurately described in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography as a "racialist writer").

see also