Then he featured pro-nuclear power advocates Jesse Jenkins from the Breakthrough Institute and Stewart Brand, and alienated an additional set of listeners.
Camille's surrounding company has always been of interest to die-hard fans, from playing with ex-Jeff Buckley drummer Eric Eidel, to working for an organization run by Stewart Brand, Brian Eno and others at The Long Now Foundation, to debuting her residency with her opening players the Zutons!
The book had two front covers to indicate its intertwingled nature, and was republished with a foreword by Stewart Brand in 1987 by a division of Microsoft Press.
The program seeks out well-known luminaries in the environmental movement such as Bill McKibben, Stewart Brand, Van Jones and Louie Psihoyos, but also features less-known personalities making a difference through research, activism, community organizing, and responsible business practices.
Adams discusses the future of publishing with Peter Cochrane, Muriel Gray and Stewart Brand.
The camera operator in Menlo Park was Stewart Brand, a non-computer person who also advised Engelbart and the team about how to present the demo.
Rod Stewart | James Stewart | Martha Stewart | Jon Stewart | David A. Stewart | Stewart Copeland | Yves Saint Laurent (brand) | Russell Brand | Dave Stewart | Charles Stewart Parnell | Stewart Lee | Stewart Granger | Patrick Stewart | brand | Stewart Brand | Tony Stewart | Kristen Stewart | John Stewart | Jackie Stewart | Diesel (brand) | Brand | Amii Stewart | Al Stewart | Rory Stewart | Gillette (brand) | British Rail brand names | Potter Stewart | Isabella Stewart Gardner | Stewart Edward White | Brand Nubian |
Some were well known and some were prominent visitors: Paul Goodman was the principal speaker at an early organizational meeting; Herbert Marcuse taught a seminar; Joan Baez lectured on non-violence; Norman O. Brown, Stewart Brand, Richard Alpert (later, Ram Dass), Alexander Lowen, Robert Hass, and David Harris all taught classes at one time or another.
The first Hackers Conference was organized in 1984 in Marin County, California, by Stewart Brand and his associates at Whole Earth and The Point Foundation.
Faculty and lecturers included leaders and innovators in academia, politics, science, business, and the arts such as Harlan Cleveland, Mary Douglas, Langdon Winner, Stewart Brand, Howard Nemerov, Robert Reich, Walter Orr Roberts, Rusty Schweickart, Nicholas Johnson, and Paul Levinson.